rainbow on the farm

rainbow on the farm

Spirit moving sheep off the hay field

Friday, February 12, 2010

at the eigth pole

I'm not sure, but I think I felt it today. I really do. Even though it was cold out there, the sun on my face felt warmer than it has for months. I think we have hit the eigth pole and we are heading down the stretch to Spring. When we cross the wire is anyones guess.

Last night ,there was a message from the contractor on my answering machine. He said the he had talked to someone at where the door is made and that it is supposed to be a tight fit.
Um, well this is a wee bit more than tight. I don't think I should have to pull a door open and closed . I took a trip up to Home Depot and opened and closed every patio door they had on display. Nope, sorry ....they all slid better that the door at my house. The rub for me is I avoided the big name warehouse store. Wanted to support the little guy. Gave my business to them. Had I purchased this door at Home Depot I could have brought it back. No questions other than do I have proof of purchase. So here I am , a contractor who tells me this is how the door is supposed to be, a business who tells me the contractor installed it wrong and I feel like I am the one holding the bag of crap !  I guess all I can add is " to be continued..."

Got the pups out today. I went back to the control pen with both. Up to now I have not asked much from them. I really was just evaluating what I had in raw state. Adding little extras here and there but always working off the dogs themselves and what I see that they bring to the equation naturally.  Flint MUST stop and allow me to collect him. So this was what I worked on at the end of his last session and on completely today. He was fairly reliable in the round pen, though I could see the added pressure of my insistance brought out a few blow in grips. Not a big deal. I just backed off and allowed him to do what came natural with balance . He is figuring it out, and I like that he is working hard to figure out what and why .
Rush was brought in too and had the same lesson even though she has been pretty good out in the open about me collecting her. I see her just a bit more sensitive to me than Flint. Nothing major , but just a slightly different reaction to my applying pressure to her. She also had a few  blow in grips . Nothing that really bothered me and backing off and letting her work naturally was all she needed. She was also trying very hard for me. I like that about both of them.
The snow made it a chore to keep in position for what I was working on. It really is soft under your feet and I was slipping and sliding as I tried to keep up with the motion.  I also had Rush walk straight into the sheep. She had been jazzed out in the open field and was getting too fast and too close. In the pen she had no choice but to come in with control and purpose. I thought she handled herself well. She really has a " make my day " look to her eye when asked to come on .

Took all the dogs out for a romp session. Lots of fun . Both pups were running full out in the open field today and hit a deep drift. They were so busy looking at and rating each other they never saw it coming. I laughed so loud I heard my own echo !

 That's about it. Waiting for Paul to get here. Should be here soon. Going out to do the evening chores. I'll leave you with a few sunset shots taken here. We get some great ones I think because we are up on a hill.

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