rainbow on the farm

rainbow on the farm

Spirit moving sheep off the hay field

Saturday, March 26, 2011

a setback

"I get knocked down, but I get up again
Your never going to keep me down"....

Had a bit of a set back Late Sunday night and hit me hard by Monday afternoon.
Had been keeping close eye on my temperature after coming home and Sunday night it started slowly rising.
Monday morning I felt  "off " . Nothing much . Just a little more fatigue than the past two days. A little light headed. A little hyper sensitivity to sound, taste, touch. UH OH...

Called my Doc and told him I think something was going wrong. He said until my temperature had reached 101.5 I'll be fine.
As the day went on I felt worse each hour. Now wracked with chills, sweats and muscle aches. My fever hit the magic number and I again phoned the office.
Not good, back to hospital for blood and urine work up. He phoned in two antibiotics for me and we picked them up and headed home. I was feeling so crappy that I just dropped the seat back for the car rides.

My fever kept going up and I spent a little over two days in bed. Very sick. My surgery was a cake walk to what I felt during that bacterial attack on my body.
The antibiotics are harsh , strong ones and this complicated my system even further...Let's just leave it at thank goodness to the chemists who invented Imodium.

Mother Nature was up to her old tricks and dumped another ten inches of snow on us during my illness.
At least Paul did not have to deal with muddy dogs on top of everything else.
Finally by late Thursday I felt better. Weak as a kitten , but it beats sicker than a dog any day!

Got my surgical staples removed on Friday.
Much to my relief my abdominal area no longer looks like an angry Rapper with a metal mouthed  ( or Grills as they call them ) grimace.
The Doctor told us the blood cultures and urine tested positive for both E Coli and Streptococcus.
No wonder I felt like I had been hit by a bus!
Must have picked these up before I left the hospital.
My tumors were benign so we were happy for that news.

So, I'm really glad to have this over. Just a bit of bad luck I guess.

Just before I went in for surgery Paul and I went out for Chinese food.
My fortune cookie read
"your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you"
Anyone who knows some of the odd twists of fate that have been thrown my way will appreciate the irony of that little slip of paper.
I think my friend Lori was right when she said
"You grabbed the wrong cookie"


  1. LOL at Lori.

    Bummer you had to go thru that ordeal, but I am so glad to hear that you're on the mend.

  2. Glad to hear your feeling better!

  3. YIKES! Glad to hear you're on the mend!
