rainbow on the farm

rainbow on the farm

Spirit moving sheep off the hay field

Friday, October 15, 2010

a year gone by

Last year on this day we had an early snow fall. Even for this area.

This year , while we were lucky to not have snow flying about we had a very windy, wet , chilly day . It was quite raw out , almost needing gloves.

I look at these two pictures and see that old apple tree still hanging tough to life. Half dead on one side, almost hollowed out at the bottom. Yet out of all our trees this was the one that had fruit this year. We had a really strong wind storm just as the blossoms were at their peek for becoming fruit and all were pretty much blown off the trees. This old tree still somehow managed to bear several apples this year.

I always seem to take account of the year gone by just about now. Not sure if it has to do with my Birthday around the corner but I'll bet it does. My Birthday holds more significance to me that the traditional New Years. My Birthday is my personal New Years day. I think of what I have done, what I had wanted to do as well as what I did not get done. I look back on the year.

 I said good bye to my long time equine companion Badger last New Years Eve . He made a bad turn on some ice , fell and never made it back to his feet. I had him in my life for over 30 years. Through good times and bad. He was a great horse and it was so sudden and horrible but thinking back it was in many ways a blessing. He was in great health right to the end , had a wonderful life . I am glad in many ways he did not linger with a long standing illness or had been in horrible pain with colic.  

This day last year I was also cloaked in ignorant bliss. Unaware that My Deigh was silently being attacked by Cancer and that we would have just a short time left to enjoy her. I took this picture of her last year on this day. It's still hard for me to believe she is not here by my side .
We miss her very much .

We also had to say good bye to our cat Splotchity over the summer. She too, had Cancer.

Though these are the sad things to reflect on there was also good to the year.
On this day last year my then just coming five month old pups got to see snow for the first time.
They were not too sure of it at first and huddled close to each other. They blinked when the snow flakes hit their eyes and it was so cold to their feet. But it did not take long for them to find the fun in it.

I think I like it....weeeeeeee

Me too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today at a year and almost five months they have matured into useful, talented young dogs. I am thrilled with what I am seeing in them . I am looking forward to next season and getting them out running in sheepdog trials.

We are blessed to live in a beautiful location and are making great progress at reclaiming the pastures that have layed fallow for so many years before we breathed life back into this old dairy farm.

The sunsets at night rival any western sky and living up on this hill gives us spectacular long views .

And each morning we are the first to be greeted by the Mother Star and the promise of another day.

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